Feel the Pain

Educational Degrees

Degrees are in fact, receipts of educational papers Otherwise knowledge is the only one that shows action Nursing is the only profession where your experience, your training, your attitude, your passion, culture, ethics, emotions all of them a compile package of humanity.


Positive Attitude

Worlds toughest work is to correct yourself,
and easiest work is to comment on other
#positiveattitude #world #health #life #goodwill #nature 

Happy Children's Day 2019

Nurse A Good Human Being

Be nice with every human because all you have planted in life you have to harvest before die. no matter you are rich or beard person

As a Nurse I pledged to help humanity so i give direct care instead of giving instruction to the junior staff from Air Conditioned room.

Impact of structured discharge

The Impact of structured discharge instructions on patients experience and satisfaction level in a tertiary care hospital of a low and middle income country

Alarm Fatigue in Nursing Practice

GOD is Great

I know i dont know anything because my GOD did not create anything useless hashtagnurse hashtaghospital hashtaguniverse hashtagworld hashtagearth hashtagnaturelover hashtaglife hashtaghealth hashtagthanksgod hashtaggodisgreat hashtaghealthylife

Volunteer Trauma Nurse (Flood Affected Area of Chitral KPK Pakistan in 2015

A Journey to the flood affected area of Chitral, KPK Pakistan in 2015, as a Emergency and Trauma nurse i was selected by AKHSP to help the community and successfully as a volunteer i have done my job. A nurse can help peoples beyond the boundaries of the hospital and with limited resources. Proud to be a NURSE and a mother of a daughter.

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Aga Khan University Hospital Health Care Heroes #AKUHeroes #AkuAlumni #AKUSonam

AKU SONAM Alumna, Alice Ibrahim is using her nursing skills to help those who cannot go to the hospital and pevent them from being exposed t...